
Get A DOM element at a specific index in an array of elements.


.eq(index, options)
.eq(indexFromEnd, options)


Correct Usage

cy.get('tbody>tr').eq(0) // Yield first 'tr' in 'tbody'
cy.get('ul>li').eq(4) // Yield fifth 'li' in 'ul'

Incorrect Usage

cy.eq(0) // Errors, cannot be chained off 'cy'
cy.getCookies().eq(4) // Errors, 'getCookies' does not yield DOM element


index (Number)

A number indicating the index to find the element at within an array of elements. Starts with 0.

indexFromEnd (Number)

A negative number indicating the index position from the end to find the element at within an array of elements.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of .eq().

logtrueDisplays the command in the Command log
timeoutdefaultCommandTimeoutTime to wait for .eq() to resolve before timing out


  • .eq() yields the new DOM element it found.
  • .eq() is a query, and it is safe to chain further methods.



Find the 2nd element within the elements

cy.get('li').eq(1).should('contain', 'siamese') // true

Make an assertion on the 3rd row of a table

cy.get('tr').eq(2).should('contain', 'Canada') //true

Index From End

Find the 2nd from the last element within the elements

cy.get('li').eq(-2).should('contain', 'sphynx') // true



  • .eq() requires being chained off a command that yields DOM element(s).


  • .eq() will automatically retry until the element(s) exist in the DOM
  • .eq() will automatically retry until all chained assertions have passed


  • .eq() can time out waiting for the element(s) to exist in the DOM .
  • .eq() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log

Find the 4th <li> in the navigation


The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

Command log eq

When clicking on the eq command within the command log, the console outputs the following:

console.log eq

See also